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Las Vegas 48 Hour Film Festival

We are proud to announce that this will be the second year where Frances Rose Padunan will be producing and hosting the Las Vegas 48 Hour Film Festival.

he 48 Hour Film Project is:

  • An exciting creative weekend

  • Filmmakers making short films

  • A global event that happens in more than 100 cities


The 48 takes place on different weekends in different cities throughout the year. In each city local Film Teams—from beginners to pro's--compete to make a short film in only a weekend! Do you and your friends have what it takes to make a film on the fly?

It all begins with the Friday night Kickoff event when you and teams in your city draw genres out of a hat and receive the required elements for your film.

Then it is off to the races—writing, shooting and editing and doing whatever it takes to submit your short film on Sunday night.

The big payoff is seeing your masterpiece in the big screen at a local theater. Every film, both on-time and late, will screen. There is nothing better than seeing your film with an audience and seeing firsthand how they react to your movie.

At the city awards event, the winning films—as determined by local judges—are announced. More than a dozen awards are given—from Best Acting to Best Directing to the top prize: Best Film.


What happens after the local 48? The top films earn more exposure. The Best Film in each city screens at our annual international film festival—Filmapalooza. This fest features screenings, workshops and parties and is attended by filmmakers from around the world. At the Awards Ceremony we announce the Grand Champion of the Year!

Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner

Many of our films go on to festivals around the world, but we are proud of our 17 year partnership with the Cannes Film Festival. Each year we take a selection of our top films to screen at the festival. It is an amazing experience for our filmmakers. Are you up for the challenge?


Register your team here! Registration OPENS on Mon, Aug 26, 2024 12:00 AM. This is the official 48 Hour Film Festival in Las Vegas, NV.


First Mixer - Millennium Fandom Bar

When: October 2, 2024 at 7:00PM. 21+ Only

900 S Las Vegas Blvd #140, Las Vegas, NV 89101


Thank you Alex, the owner of Millennium, for sponsoring another year of the 48!



Second Mixer - F-11 Studios

When: October 11, 2024 at 7:00PM. All ages welcome!

6660 Escondido St Suite #2, Las Vegas, NV 89119

In Las Vegas, F11 Rentals stands out as the premier destination for procuring high-quality lenses that can bring your cinematic dreams to life. From the versatile Nisi Athena lenses to the renowned Angenieux EZ series and the versatile Sigma Cine zooms, F11 Rentals has got you covered.

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Third Mixer - Rebar

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Fourth Mixer, Workshop - Abby Reys Studio 

When: October 18, 2024 at 2PM-7PM. All ages welcome!

More details to come.

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Fifth Mixer - Indie Film Factory

When: October 25, 2024 at 6PM. All ages welcome!

From Founders Charisma Manuat & Kelly Schwarze

The Indie Film Factory is:

For those who are done with complicated and expensive studios. For those who have had enough gatekeepers blocking the path to tell your stories. For the dreamers, entrepreneurs, the backyard filmmakers, and the underdog story tellers. We serve the artists who deserve to have their work seen, without having to take out a second mortgage to do so.


Take a look back at 2023s 48 Hour Film commercial by Eric Brugger for Fox 5 MORE.


Eric Brugger interviewed Frances Rose Padunan (City Film Producer) and Brylle Gaviola (co Producer)


We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Frances Rose Padunan a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below. Frances Rose, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. We’d love to go back in time and hear the story of how you came up with the name of your brand? SB0811 Films is a Las Vegas film production company focused on quality storytelling, striking visuals, and innovative design. My company covers award-winning short films, commercials, music videos and live events, and new media content. My company name SB0811 stands for my late mother and before she passed away, I promised her that I will become a successful respected filmmaker/director/writer/producer and with everything that I do, I will do for her. My mother has inspired me in so many ways and has always loved and supported me. I’d like to keep her legacy alive by representing her name with all the projects I create.

The Beverly Theater

2023 Las Vegas 48 Hour Film Project was screened at The Beverly Theater. All screenings will be premiered at The Beverly Theater again on November 20, 2024 at 4:00PM.


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